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Compare/Contrast between Other predominately Muslim nations

​​Compare/contrast and how globalization affects differently



The history of egypt is 7000 years old and Islam has always been a dominating religion in Egypt. Egyptians were very rich in following their traditional values and culture. But then as globalization spread in the world, it affected the country in positive and negative ways:

Socially: People are losing their culture (negative),  people are modernised (positive).

Economically: It has created millions of manufacturing jobs (positive).
Politically: more awareness, dictatorship 

So if Egypt took pages from Erodegan's playbook, it would go in favor of the country because of the fact that socially people are losing their culture and are modernized, which can be helped by Erodegan's strategies of putting more Islam back in the country and compete and collaborate with the world at the same time.


Socially: Westernization and loss of cultural values

Economically: Gradual and uneven process of foreign trade and investment and dependence on US

Politically: Dependence on US.

If Pakistan took pages from Erodegan's playbook, it would definitely help and support the country to move forward and ensure that the country would collaborate and compete with the world as well as  a state all past cultural values and traditions. 

​Qaswa Malik

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