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Primary Sources

Nacarama, Melissa. "History Of Turkey." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 11 Feb. 2009. Web. 09 May 2013. <>                    

  I chose this source because it is very helpful in providing some basic knowledge about the history of modern Turkey. It tells about when Turkey was founded, political history, when did it join UN, economy and largest industry. All of this information is important to get started with the study about modern Turkey.


"Ataturk and the Modernization of Turkey." Ataturk and the Modernization of Turkey. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 May 2013. <>.

The name suggests the idea behind this source. I used this source to learn about Ataturk and especially what he addressed to the Turkish youth.

Friedland, Roger. "Muslim Lite: Women, Islam and the Turkish Way." The Huffington Post., 20 Dec. 2011. Web. 09 May 2013. <>.

I liked this sources because it gives information that shows transition between the way Turkey was in terms of religion Islam which was changed after Ataturk's reforms but now some Turks are with Recep Tayyip Erodegan and some are still nervous and against it and this how it relates to the topic.

"Foreign Relations of Turkey." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 05 July 2013. Web. 10 May 2013. <>.

This source is very helpful because it provides brief information about the foreign policy of Turkey which was influenced by the Mustafa Kamal Ataturk's reforms about foreign policy which is why his policies have a lot of emphasis on Turkey's relationships with western countries like US.


Kagaptay, Soner. "Policy Analysis." Kemalism Is Dead, but Not Ataturk. CNN Global Public Square, 12 May 2012. Web. 10 May 2013. <>.

The reason why I chose this source is because I was looking for any article that contain someone's point of views who were against Ataturk's reforms like Atif Hoca as stated in the source. As the name states "Kemalism is dead but not Ataturk" the main idea of this source is to compare what Kamal said and now what Erodegan says to make a better Turkey.​

Secondary Sources

Çelik,, Aliye Pekin, PH.D, and Leylac Nqavi, MALD. Turkey Current and Future Political, Economic and Security Trend. N.p.: n.p., 2007. Print. <>

This is really a helpful source because it is pdf about Turkey's current and future political, economic and political trends. I chose this because one part of my project is to discuss about the developments that were made by Ataturk's reforms, in politics and economy even foreign policy which I am going to talk about in final project.

"Ataturk’s Reforms." - All About Turkey. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2013. <>.
This source is all about Ataturk's reforms including secularist reforms that helped in shaping of a developed modern Turkey. I chose this because it directly related to my topic because the idea of project is based on his reforms which shaped the country the way it is now and back in the history. It talks about clothing reform, civil rights for women, and his works on Turkish history etc.

“Turkey’s present economy 2013” -youtube <>
This one is like a documentary and talks about the current economy and developments of Turkey which starts from population and further tell about literacy rate, education, economy, trade (which has increased in 2011). It also tells about international investment and the importance of Turkey in terms of providing energy to middle east and western countries.

"Turkey after Atatürk." Turkey after Atatürk. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2013. <>.
This one is really helpful in terms of providing information about Turkey after Ataturk. As one part of my project includes research of Turkey's development after Ataturk, this source is very helpful and provides information about politics, rules, foreign policies after MK.

“Turkish economy and Politics 1923-2002”  <>
It provides complete analysis of Turkish economy and politics which began in 1923. It starts with Ataturk’s time period, reforms, developments, all of his economic regimes. It also provides some interesting data about performance of economy in certain years after MK. Besides this, major political international relations are also discussed throughout entire history of Turkey.

Social Media Sources



This one is like a documentary and talks about the current economy and developments of Turkey which starts from population and further tell about literacy rate, education, economy, trade (which has increased in 2011). It also tells about international investment and the importance of Turkey in terms of providing energy to middle east and western countries.

“U.S Army film describes Turkish history, economy, industry and its role in NATO”

“Latin Alphabet improves Turkish literacy” -Turkish historian Unsal Yavuz, defends it.

“A facebook page about return of Islam back in Turkey” <>

​Qaswa Malik

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